Terrie Wronkiewicz


Terrie joined our team in November of 2023 and she does a wonderful job of making sure our church stays fresh and clean! She is also a member here and particularly loves the monthly potlucks, not only for the food, mostly for the camaraderie between old friends and new. Terrie holds a BA in Computer science. She has three children and four grandkids whom she adores. She is strongly convicted about feeding the hungry which is why she Participates in the Snak Pak program. In her free time, she enjoys reading biographies, watching psychological horror movies, and playing games. The music of Cat Stevens & Anne Murray is her favorite for the stories Cat tells and Anne’s voice and repertoire. One fun fact about Terrie is when she was growing up she and her friends would play croquet. Each color would represent a country and she was always Germany in honor of her heritage.